Christmas 2019 order deadlines

Just call us Santa Curve, riding a quad channel bottomed sleigh, threading through the barrel and squeezing out the doggie door (that is Christmas Day).

So your Curve goodness can be placed under the tree in time!! 🤙🤙



Christmas cut-off deadlines by region for urban areas:

Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty order by 2pm Friday 20 December 2019

North Island  order by 2pm Thursday 19 December 2019

South Island order by 2pm Wednesday 18 December 2019

*rural deliveries - please add one or two extra days



Any questions regards delivery times please email or phone 021746369

Tracking is emailed at time of shipping



Compliments of the (surf) season,

and here's to good waves, sweet barrels & a big dose of Christmas stoke to all 🤙🤙

team at Curve

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